Saturday 4 August 2012

Justification on ignorant practices

Har Har Mahadeva.
Few Ignorants who wants to booze/Alchol & Fag/Ciggrates, They would justify by saying even Bhagwan Shiv smokes weads & even the Devtas drink alchol.

Non of the scriptures mentions about Bhagwan Shiva ever had anything ignorant as such as claimed by people who cant control their senses but wants to sound good & so they Justify by BLAMING that even Bhagwan Shiva does it & so we are following his steps. Bhagwan Shiva even Drank poison so why can you drink poison?
Indeed Shiv Puran says - The householder taking the rite shall avoid heavy indigestible pulses like Nispava, Masurika etc. stale food, defiled food, brinjals, gourds, cocoa-nuts, garlic, onion, "INTOXICATION" and all kinds of meat. (Siva Purana 7.10-12)
There is Madira/Alchol & There is Somras/Nectar
Varuni Madira is an Alchol which came after churning the ocean "Samudra Manthan" & was Taken by the Danavas/Atheist team & So only the demons prefer drinking madira/Alchol.
Somras is a Fruit juice mainly the Tad fruit which is consumed by the Theist.
People should not Justify Scriptures/hevenly bodies for the sake of their desire, if they want to please do with your free will. Stop Spreading Wrong message by demotivating the hevenly deities for your pleasure.
( Soma and Sura(alcohol) are different.the effect Soma is rather opposite to that of Sura :
Som Ras was originally believed to have been created by none other than Lord Brahma. The process of its creation was kept secret an...d was only passed on the 7 men chosen by the Bramha himself. These Seven men were later known as the Saptarishis.
The Sapta Rishi’s then passed on the same to their followers. The Som Ras was believed to have the medicinal power to keep the human body from degeneration. It is said, that just as the Oxygen helps us in breaking down the food particles and thus helping in digestion, it also oxidises our body cells thereby causing degeneration of the body cells. But, the SomRas helps the body to get rid of the extra oxygen and there by stopping the degeneration of body cells there by helping the body to stay young and look like young even if the actual age of the person is way beyond 100 years...
In Vedic period there were two drinks told. one is Soma and another is Sura. The two drinks that are quoted in Vedic texts are Soma and Sura . The Rigveda describes soma as a godly concoction, while sura is described as mainly a human drink. However, the Yajurveda deifies sura and uplifts it to the status of soma .
Soma is an invigorating plant product generally prepared by squeezing juice from plants. The following statements give an indication of fermentation:

Admixture of a thick juice of Soma with barley powder ( RV . IX. 68.4). This statement is a clear indication of fermentation with barley. Fifteenth day old highly intoxicating Soma ( RV . X.27.2). In this statement fifteenth day probably refers to the broth fermented in the vat for 15 days. Soma being treated is red( RV .IX.82: 1). All these statements give an indication of fermentation technology involved in the preparation of Soma.
Evidence in the Yajurveda About Sura Banam:
The Sukla Yajurveda ( Vaj. XIX. 13-15; 82-83) describes the formation of two stimulating drinks, Sura and Parisrut . Sura was supposed to be prepared from germinated paddy, germinated barley, and parched rice with the help of ferment. Yeast was used most often as the fermenting agent.
The Katyayana Srauta sutra (XV, 9.28-30; XIX, 1-2) also gives a complete description of the preparation of Sura . According to this method either boiled rice or boiled barley was mixed with the ferment and also with masara and the entire mixture was kept in a jar. The jar was then kept in a pit for three nights. Meanwhile, cow's milk and powdered parched rice were poured in the pit.
What is the Soma actually?
Soma is a plant found in the north west frontier region of pakistan, and bordering afghanistan. Its stem when boiled in water is called Somras. its a analgesic, probably aphrodasiac. Soma is known to most readers as the stimulant, euphoriant and hallucinogen in Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World. Few people know that the plant soma actually exists and has been used as a narcotic since the time of India's earliest civilizations.

In Ancient Indian mythology Soma, the brother of Indra, was the giver of health, courage, long life, a sense of immortality, and almost every other virtue known. As a narcotic, soma is thought to have originated in the Hindu Kush mountain range of northeast Afghanistan. There is evidence that Aryan invaders carried the plant to India and Persia, where it was readily adopted because of its psychoactive properties. Many of the hymns of the Rig-Veda, which were sung earlier than 800 B.C, refer to soma as a liquor and as a god.
Soma has to be differentiated from Sura (physically intoxiating alcohol ) made from grapes or grains). Soma is a CONCEPTUAL beverage of Gods , which is described as Truth (Sathyam), Auspiciousness( Sri:) , light /radiance (Jyothi:) . SurA in contrast is untruth (anrutham), misery (Paapmaa) and darkness ( tama:). Soma leads to Jnanam (enlightenment ) and Anandham ( bliss):
In ancient history is telling that It is a herb which when immersed in hot water, developed into a strong concoction that gaveenergy to the person drinking it. Something similar to redbull. Soma banam was actually good. Sura banam is the one which can be equated toliquor and this was supposed to be have been consumed by the asuras.
This is mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam chapter 10 canto 8 saying the demons as sura warriors.)


  1. aum

    Finding and enjoying somaras is not so complex.

    Source - bindu visarga, ( at chandra chakra )
    Method - khechari or shambhavi or naad anusanthan
    Reference - yajurveda , adhyay 3
    Testimony - rishi swratmaram in hathyoga , rishi patanjali in yogsutra
    My exp - by naad anusanthan


  2. Can we make Somras ? Is Soma plant available? Does any organisation make Somras?

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