Saturday 4 August 2012

Dharmas features

According to Manu Maharaj there are 10 features of Dharma

Dhriti - Dhairya,
kshama - Forgivnes
damostayam - Mind control
shocham - Pavitra
indriyanigrahah - Sense control
dhirividya, -Wisdom
atyamakrodho - anger free
satyam - Truth
Vidhya - Knowledge
asteyam - no chori

There are 10 bodily parts/features of Dharma
1) Satyam/Truth  - Satyawadi Raja Harishchandra was an example of Satyam. Who sold himself & became a servant/das for someone & even ignored his wife & his dead kid because he was serving as a servant.
2) Daya/mercy - King Rantidev, who was a king who did not had food for 40 days & once he got some food to eat which was eatn by a dog, 2 mans, he asked for a boon to sri hari Vishnuji that give me the sufferrings of everybody, let them enjoy 7 let me face thier problems.
3) Sarnagat raksha/helping - King Shibi who removed the flesh from his own thigh to save/help the life of a peigon from an Eagle.
4) Daan/Charity - Sage Dadichi who gave his back bone to Lord Indra to kill the demon Vitrasura.
5) Indriyanigrahah/Sense control - Narada muni, Vedvyasji & Sri Hanumanji - Sri Hanumanjis senses never works, he never desires taste, smell, talk, to touch & to hear anything material but bhagwan Sri Ram Naam is present in all his senses.
6) Socham/Cleanliness - His Holiness Srila Prabhupada use to ask his disciples to wash their mouth even after drinking water, this is our Sanskruti/purity & clealiness
7) Damostayam/Mind control - Sri Prahald Maharaj, Fully control over his mind even after his father pushed him when he was hardly 5 years old & ordered his mens to kill the Vishnu devotee Prahalad.
8) Dhirividya/Wisdom - Vidhura, Birbal, Chanakya Panditji were full of wisdom.
9) Vidhya - Sri Brahmaji the creator got knowledge of all vedas, 4 kumars/first creation, Sukdevgoswami etc
10) Asteyam/No robbery - No robbery....
Now the main part of Dharma. 10 parts of Dharma fits in 10 + great personalities & all these 10 parts of Dharma fits in just one personality from the Tretayuga. BHAGWAN SRI RAM.

||Jai sri Ram||

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