Saturday 22 August 2020

Moon controls Mind

 Simple way to calm the mind. 

Karma comes to us in various forms, mediums to wipe our previous debt.

What made our Grandparents remain united, within huge joint families, always happy even in any miserable condition?

-- One of the reason was. They regurlary paid their debts to the ancestor.

In olden days, even today in villages the sadhus visit house mainly on Purnima, Amavasya, Sankranti or any occasions, when they came to the door step, the members of the house knew that tomorrow is one of these event & so they use to keep the alms ready. Pleasing their ancestors was not the intention but to serve & help the sadhus, however this process pleases the ancestor the most.

Even today, when the moon in Zodic sign in any horoscope is creating mental problems, the remedi given to them is to donate food which represents moon. Like the white rice, white sweet, etc in temples or to some temple priest, Brahmans etc on these days for few days. Once you do this, the ancestors are pleased & the problem is not solved always but the mental peace with strength to overcome problems is been restored. 

Many problem in our life can simply be solved by just small donation, helping Poor's, serving elders, respecting nature, planting trees etc. 

Those who belive in Astrology or not but it is The only subject of serving & Donating. 

Humans are selfish, reading scriptures people may not donate but when it comes to own health, family or wealth they can go to any extent. So, even serving with selfish motive  gives good results, once we get the good effect of serving, the Tamsik/ignorant mind can now turns satvik/good and next time serves out of love & respect. 

||Hare KrIshNa||

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