Saturday 4 August 2012

Aann bane man, pani bane vani

Ann bane maan, Pani bane Vani
Ann(Food) Maan (Mind) Pani(Water) Vani (Speach)
Food develops mind, water develops speech.

There was a vice saint who never got a thought about committing a sin, once after his lunch from the Kings palace he took a nav/9 lakh ka haar of a Queen & kept it in his bag/chola  &left. Reached his kutir/hut & he realised how come he committed such a sin of robbing the Queens neckless? Out here in the Kingdom the King ordered his Soldiers to search the robber, nobody would dare doubt the Purest of all Sadhus in those days who might have robbed because sadhus are never corrupted minds even today nor in those days. This Sadhu comes to the king & asked the king to not let his men leave in search of robber because I am the robber, everybody assumed may be he is trying to save some soldier who might be a robber because Sadhus are always kind towards everybody, nobody trusted the sadhus word that he might have robbed the necklace, Sadhu swears to God that I am the robber & here is the necklace, King asked the reason what made you rob?
Replied - Because I had food at your Palace, King - So what? He explained how the food can corrupt minds. King asked his men to find out where & how did the food came to his palace. After investigation they found out that once a robber robed some Gold from a Gold smith's shop, the robber was caught by the soldiers & they sold the Gold & got some money which was later been given to the King & this money was used for preparing food & later food distribution/Bhandara.
Gold Smith - They always tend to rob little bit of Gold from their clients & so Vedic Scriptures says to never eat food prepared from a Gold smith’s money.
Robber - Never eat anything from some unknown source of money or Black income.
King - King gets gift's & tax from other Kings & people which even he is not aware of where did it come from?
So the sin/qualities of the Gold smith, Robber, others enters the food & when such food been served those sins enters the food while preparation, later it’s been consumed by somebody & the food develops blood, from blood it turns to flesh which later turns to mind, & mind gets corrupted.
The biggest example would be the temple of Shridi wale Sai Baba, Sorry no offence but out here the maximum wealth been collected is Black money & when such food consumed by devotees, the mind gets corrupted & to be honest most of the Video Game Parlour/GAMBLING parlours runs on the name of Sai Ram or Sai Baba video Game parlour specially in Maharashtra/Mumbai & Pune. Black money can never wipe our bad karmas, we sometimes think I would rob some money & give some amount in donation & this might turn my black money to white, this wont work & the donated black money when used for preparing or buying food it would also corrupt the mind of those innocent Devotees. This is one reason why many people do not eat/drink any were and from anybody, many temples do not accept FUNDS from an unknown source because they know the consequences their devotees going to end up with.
Think twice before eating outdoor food, the reason for corruption, ignorance, robbery, rape and all such sins are due to food consumed from Restaurants, hawkers, hotels, outlets etc which is been cooked with corrupted minds & there isn’t a law to hire a sheaf after reading the purity of his/her mind & so we should always prefer food cooked by our mothers, wife, sister, family members & this creates a Bondage within a family, in olden days this rule was been maintained & families were united because the feelings, love of a mother/wife entered the food & after been consumed by all members it created love among other members in house.
We are what we eat....
||HaRe KriShnA||

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