Wednesday 28 September 2011

Vedic/Spritual Science behind beauty, knowledge, fame, name etc.

- Who desires to be absorbed in the impersonal brahmajyoti effulgence should worship the master of the Vedas [Lord Brahmā or Bṛhaspati, the learned priest]

-Who desires powerful sex should worship the heavenly King, Indra
- Who desires good progeny should worship the great progenitors called the Prajāpatis.
-Who desires good fortune should worship Durgādevī, the superintendent of the material world.
- Who desiring to be very powerful should worship fire
- Who aspires only after money should worship the Vasus.
- 1 should worship the Rudra incarnations of Lord Śiva if he wants to be a great hero.
- Who wants a large stock of grains should worship Aditi.
- Who desires to attain the heavenly planets should worship the sons of Aditi.
- Who desires a worldly kingdom should worship Viśvadeva,
-W ho wants to be popular with the general mass of population should worship the Sādhya demigod.
- Who desires a long span of life should worship the demigods known as the Aśvinī-kumāras,
- A person desiring a strongly built body should worship the earth.
- Who desires stability in his post should worship the horizon and the earth combined
- Who desires to be beautiful should worship the beautiful residents of the Gandharva planet.
- Who desires a good wife should worship the Apsarās & the Urvaśī society girls of the heavenly kingdom.
- Who desires domination over others should worship Lord Brahmā, the head of the universe.
- Who desires tangible fame should worship the Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna.
- Who desires a good bank balance should worship the demigod Varuṇa.
- Who desires to be a greatly learned man he should worship Lord Śiva,
- Who desires a good marital relation he should worship the chaste goddess Umā, the wife of Lord Śiva. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.3.2-7

Śukadeva Gosvāmī. But aspirations for material enjoyment by endeavoring persons are condemned. Such aspirations are something like the intoxication of the degraded human society. Intelligent persons should try to avoid these aspirations and seek instead the permanent life by returning home, back to Godhead.

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