Wednesday 28 September 2011

Sanathan Dharma

There is nothing like Religon in vedas, it is not the caste system  but the class system.
Sanathan Dharma follows 4 main class but not caste.
Hindu, mulim, christians etc are nothing but Sanathan Dharma but its we human who introduced Caste System.
There is no word Hindu in the Vedic Civilization untill islamic invaders came to India 1200 years back, We are all Sanathan Dharama/Eternal Beings.

There are 4 class.
Brahmans - intellegent like the priest/Brahmins, knower of holy scriptures.
Kashtriyas- Present Government or King in the olden days. (The Warriors who fought for the kingdom/country)
Vaishyas - Business class people who pays taxes to the kings/governemnt
Sudras - Servants who works under Kashtriyas & Vaishyas.
For a better Understanding we would talk with an Example
There is a classroom
1 kid is the most intellegent so he would be a Brahmana.
1 kid is good with activites, entertainer but not good with studies so he would be a Kashtriya.
1 kid is not good with studies or activites but good with Business so he would be a Business man. Vaishya.
1 kid is good with nothing so he helps everybody because he really dnt have any knowledge but can just serve others, so he is a Sudra. So where is castism in Vedas?

Chandragupta was a sudra but turned a King which means he turned a kashtriya not by birth but by his activities...there are many such examples in our Vedic Past.

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