Wednesday 28 September 2011

Journey of our Soul.

Journey of our soul form Goloka to material & how to go back to Goloka.

"Both the Lord and the living entity, being qualitatively spirit soul, have the tendency for peaceful enjoyment, but when the part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead unfortunately wants to enjoy independently, without Krsna, he is put into the material world, where he begins his life as Brahma and is gradually degraded to the status of an ant or a worm in stool." (SB 9.24.58 p.)

I jiva/soul, part & parcel of the Supreme we decided to explore the material world, Lord/father dnt interfear with our free will.

My Home is Hari dhama (eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss), abode of the Supreme Lord in His unlimited eternal forms. Its six divisions are called Goloka Vrindavana, Navadvipa, Mathura, Dvaraka, Ayodhya, Vaikuntha (also used as the general name of Hari-dhama).

I start & would end the journey of my soul in Haridhama.

My first body is that of Brahma, the secondary creator of this world. I live on Satyaloka.

My second body - Here I'm one of the sages and by my meditation I can go either higher, up to Satyaloka, to become Brahma's associate, or down, to the level of
devas (demigods) MUNILOKA.

My thrid body - Svargaloka is the abode of demigods. I'm now Indra (the chief demigod) or one of the other demigods in a cosmic hierarchy.

My Fourth body - Bhuvarloka, the level of semi-demigods (Carana, Vidyadhara, Kinnara, Kimpurusa etc.). As one of the lesser demigods I am assisting the demigods in various ways and sometimes interacting with the humans.

My fifth Body - ANTARIKSA Between Bhuvarloka and Bhurloka is antariksa, an interplanetary space where the Sun is situated. Here live beings like Raksasas,
Yaksas, Pisacas and ghosts. They often descend on earth and are generally inimical to humans. Usuallly they will be born later as humans

BHURLOKA (Earth) - The planet Earth where I live now as a human being is situated within Jambudvipa. It is known as karma-bhumi (Visnu Purana 2.3.2), the place
where new karma is created, a kind of cosmic crossroad. Here I will decide about my future situation, higher or lower, by acting in a particular way.

BILA-SVARGA - Bila-svarga is the name of subterranean 'heavens' inhabited by the asuras and the Nagas. Bhagavata Purana lists seven of them, one below another: Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala.

Hells (Naraka) - the lowest levels in the universe, places to suffer for committing specific vikarmas for a determined time. Yamadutas are bringing me to Yamaraja,
the judge of the dead. He will determine the type and length of my punishment according to dharma sastras. After my punishment is over I will be born as an animal.

From Goloka to Hell I need to chose my destination by doing good deeds & jumping one planet higher or by with bad deeds & drop one planet lower. (Many other ways to upgrade & degrade)


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