Monday 6 February 2012



Bhagwan Shiva replaced an elephant’s head on his son’s body and by Ashwini Kumars who successfully replanted the severed head of Yagna. Even Daksha Prajapati at the time of creation which is around 157 trillion years back Bhagwan Shiva added the head of a horse, Even Hayagriva with a horse head. Thus the history of plastic surgery in Bharata dates at the time of creation itself.

Once a British General after a war was passing from a Village comes in contact with a Bhartiya Vaidya/Doctor, Vaidya inquires about this Generals Chopped nose. Replies - One Sikh King has chopped his nose, Vaidya said I can fix it, which sounded funny to this General, Nose was been fixed without any scars left. Impressed General invites Docs from his land & makes them learns this surgery & later destroys all those Bhartiya Vaidya who knew about this knowledge & later termed  it Plastic Surgery on their soil.


"The surgery of the ancient Indian physicians was bold and skilful. A special branch of surgery was devoted to rhinoplasty or operations for improving deformed ears, noses and forming new ones, which European surgeons have now borrowed".

Sir W.Hunter (British Surgeon, 1718-1783)

Shushruta, known as the father of surgery, practised his skill as early as 600 BCE. He used cheek skin to perform plastic surgery to restore or reshape the nose, ears and lips with incredible results. Modern plastic surgery acknowledges his contributions by calling this method of rhinoplasty as the Bhartiya method.

Around 125 Types Of Surgical Instruments

"The Sanatan Dharma/hindus (Indians) were so advanced in surgery that their instruments could cut a hair longitudinally".

MRS Plunket

Shushruta worked with 125 kinds of surgical instruments, which included scalpels, lancets, needles, catheters, rectal speculums, mostly conceived from jaws of animals and birds to obtain the necessary grips. He also defined various methods of stitching: the use of horse’s hair, fine thread, fibres of bark, goat’s guts and ant’s heads.

300 Different Operations

Shushruta describes the details of more than 300 operations and 42 surgical processes. In his compendium Shushruta Samhita he minutely classifies surgery into 8 types:

Aharyam = extracting solid bodies

Bhedyam = excision

Chhedyam = incision

Aeshyam = probing

Lekhyam = scarification

Vedhyam = puncturing

Visraavyam = evacuating fluids

Sivyam = suturing

The ancient Indians were also the first to perform amputation, caesarean surgery and cranial surgery. For rhinoplasty, Shushruta first measured the damaged nose, skilfully sliced off skin from the cheek and sutured the nose. He then placed medicated cotton pads to heal the operation.

~If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point out to India".

Max Muller (German Scholar, 1823-1900)

"There can no longer be any real doubt that both Islam and Christianity owe the foundations of both their mystical and their scientific achievements to Indian initiatives".

- Philip Rawson (British Orientalist)

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