Monday 6 February 2012




In Vedic days there were 9 or more ways to get a child.
1) Testube babies - ("Pleased by the sacrifice and the praises, Mitra deva( Sun ) and Varuna deva(Air) effused into the Vasativara vessel the "Fluid of Birth" from which arose Agasthya and Vasishtha".
The 100 kauravas at the time of Mahabharata 5100 years back were all test tube babies, Virja/sperm was preserved in 100 pots which gave birth to Durdhoyana & his 99 brothers.)
2) Physical  (Male/female mates)
3) Adoption - Karna was adopted,  Kunti:  princess,  adopted daughter of King Kuntibhoj.
* (These 3 are common even today)
4) Havanas - Draupadi (Queen of Akhanda Bharata) & draupad who appeared from the fire after few vedic hyms.
5) Boons - Pandavas, Karna appeared by a boon given to mata Kunti.
6) Fluid preserved or transferred by diffrent modes/ways, eg. Hanumanji  took birth from a Virja of Lord Shiva, Transferred by Pawan dev to mata Anjanis womb. (Hanumanji is also called pawan putra, Shivas incarnation & Kesari nandan)
Such incident also happened with lord Brahma whose Virja was transferred by Agni dev who gave birth to 80 Martu Gans) Many such incidents are mentioned in Vedic Scriptures.
7) By Churning of King Veenas leg Bahuka took birth who formed the Nishad Dynasty (Eklavyas dynasty) & Lord Prithu (Ansha avatar of Krishna who got food on this planet) he came from Kings Veenas Thigh atlast. Earlier at the time of creation from Lord Vishnus navel Brahma took birth, from Brahmas Agya chakra Lord Shiva took birth, from Brahmas nose Lord Varaha took birth. etc
8) By Austerities -  49 Divine sons of Deiti mata were  born by austerities performed for just 1 year.
9) Transferring from one womb to another like Bhagwan Sri Balrama.

(If one got faith in Lord Vishnu they can perform these austerity & child can be born even in Kaliyuga by doing these austerities like Pumsam Vrat, Proyo Vrat, etc - Details can be found in Scriptures like Bhagwatam, Vishnu, Garud Puran etc)

Microscope - Mahabhrata
Order of origin of space, gases, heat, water & earth - (Rigveda)
Layers of Atmosphers according to specific gravity - (Valmiki Ramayan)
Aeroplanes - (rigvedas, ramayan, Samarangan Sutradhara)
ROBOT - (Samarangan Sootradhara)
Atom Bomb - (Mahabharata- Brahmastra)
Sound energy used to powder materials - (Mahabharata-Vajrastra)
Mercury as energy source for aeroplanes North pole - (Valmiki Ramayan)
Antartica premodrial matter from which the Universe Emanated - (Valmiki ramayan/Rigveda)
Formation of premordial matter - (Rigveda)
Natural cycel of water - (Rigveda/Valmiki Ramayan)
Electroplating - (Agasti)
Water Analysis by electricity (H2+0) - Agasti (Prana +Udana)
Vega becoming polar star - (Mahabharata- Vanaparva)
7 Colours in sunrays - Rigveda - (8-72-16)
Life on earth - (Mahabharata/purans)
Breathing of a Star - (Rigvedas/Nasadeeva)
Mars in Aldebaren (Valmiki Ramayan)

“How could Hindus (Aryas) have possibly known all this 6,000 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment which did not exist at that time? Such concepts were found only recently. “ -Dr. Kevin Hurley of the University of California at Berkeley

"As we shall see, there was a language spoken among an ancient scientific community that has a deviation of zero. This language is Sanskrit."
--Rick Briggs(NASA)

Wheeler Wilcox: "India - The land of Vedas, the remarkable works contain not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science has proved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all were known to the seers who founded the Vedas."

“Finally we came to conclusion that Universe is shaped like a egg but this information was already present in Hindu Literature.” (Alan Kogut, NASA)

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