Monday 6 February 2012

Common Question asked Part – III

Why would God incarnate on Earth which is not necessary for him to?
He is not God if he comes like we humans.
Ans- If God never incarnated & if he killed the demons/Atheist by some nuclear weapons’ would that be digested by you?
God never  takes birth or dies, He appears & Disappears.
God is the one who has his own will, he incarnates by his mercy & his devotees request which he takes it as an Order with love. He is large as our Universe & Arjuna, Durydhona, Karna, Bishmapitama, Sanjaya etc  took darshan of This Universal Form 5112 years back. Even Sri Bali Maharaj & millions of Rishis & their disciples took this Darshan of Sri Vamana Bhagwan in his Universal Form & we all know Sri Sirodakshya Vishnu is present in our heart in a Form of a soul. God is the one who is minute like our soul  & Universal  (our Soul is minute as, 1 part from 10,000 part taken from the tip of our hair). God is Omnisent, omnipotent & omnipresent which means he is also present in the Stones & so on Sri Prahalds Maharajs Bhakti, Bhagwan Sri NArshimadeva incarnated from a pillar, even today there are Many deities who talks with the Archa Sevakas (Deity Shringaris, pujaris etc)
 Like Madan mohanji from Vrindavan now at Karoli who use to eat from Sri Sanatan Goswamis hands,
Radha Govindev from Vrindavan now at Jaipur who talked few years back when the Bhakta Maal katha was going on.
 Pisis maas ladoo gopal from Bankhandi/Vrindavan who once felt Cold & his nose was running (She loved Thakurji as her child & so Thakurji behaved as a child)
The deity of Tota Gopinathji who was standing but he crossed his legs & sat down because the pujari had turned weak after Sri Mahaprabhus disappearance & he was unable to put this Garland on Gods Vigraha. God sat Down & until now all these DEITIES ARE STILL PRESENT.
Few years back in 1995 Lord Ganesha & many other deities drank Milk & half the world knows about it.
Wont we feel more happy when God does leelas as such, if he never did even YOU (The person who asked the question) would have been an ATHEIST. God is God when he appears & Disappears by his own will & proves his love for his devotees by incarnating. He even breaks laws for his own devotees  (Sri Krishna broke his oath to never fight in Mahabharata but took a wheel to Attack Sri Bhishmapitama, this was Sri Krishnas love for Bhishmapitamji as mentioned in Mahabharata)

Common Question asked Part – II

Women’s menstruation is considered as Untouchable in your community which is wrong according to our Scriptures.
Ans. Women’s have always proved much stronger mentally than men’s in Vedic History, they accepted one curse & one blessings from the Rain God Indra
These are the four curses which is been shared by  4 personalities with great courage, however curse is not the right term but these 4 personalities are serving Lord Indra.
1) Bubbles within water
2) Dry land/desert
3) Sap in tree which is prohibited to drink
4) Women’s Menstrual
King of heaven, Indra (Purander), understood that Visvarupa (Visvarupa was Indradev’s Guru) was secretly cheating the demigods by offering oblations on behalf of the demons. He became extremely afraid of being defeated by the demons, and in great anger at Visvarupa he cut Visvarupa's three heads. Because of affection for the demons, Visvarupa secretly supplied them the remnants of yajna. When Indra learned about this, he beheaded Visvarupa, but he later regretted killing Visvarupa because Visvarupa was a brahmana . Although competent to neutralize the sinful reactions for killing a brahmana, Indra did not do so. Instead he accepted the reactions. Later, he distributed these reactions among the earth/land, water, trees and women in general.

The following shared the Brahma-hathya Dosha of Indra in the following manner.
1) The Earth received in with the boon that depressions will be filled. That sin is now seen as salt beds/Desert
2) Water got it with the boon, For any purifications water can be used. That sin is foam & bubbles. (Even our Grandfather/mother would remove the top layer filled with bubble from the glass of water & later drink)
3) Trees got it with the boon, will not die even if cut into pieces (Even our house doors are all alive). That sin is the sap (Gum is prohibited to eat) of the tree.
4) Women got it with the boon "Amour/relationships will last without break" That sin is the menstruation of women. (These few days women’s are not allowed to cook food & enter the Garbha griha/temple main alter, however Chanting can be done because in kaliyuga Chanting is more beneficial then any other process of Bhakti marg, ).It is not considered as Untouchable but service to the one who is responsible for Rain & from rain we get food. So let them know, women’s are serving Lord Indra because of whom we get Rain & from rain we all get food & every living being survives by Lord Indra’s mercy & women’s plays a very responsible role in Lord Indras life.

Common questions asked part I

We came across Viewers from different communities for Debates rather than Discussion on importance of their Scriptural teachings & even you may have faced such questions, so we would be glad if you post your doubts & we can share the answers with all our brothers & sisters out here.
Vedic Scriptures are magical & if some one tries to understand Scriptures or passionate about Vedic Knowledge, it automatically balances the Vishudhi chakra (throat chakra) which is for Logics & Communication & without even learning much about Scriptures this Chakra gives answers automatically to any such questions.

Question1. Why in Hinduism women’s last name been changed & not given much importance like in our community where the women’s last name never changes even after their marriage? (We wont mention which community but you can take a guess)

Ans. Vedic Teachings got 5 Samskars which was practised since the time of Mata Sabri who was been given this Diksha/Initiation by Rishi Matan (Valmiki Ramayan 9 million years back) But even before that it was been practised & it is still been practised in states like MP, UP, Maharashtra, few parts of South India etc.

5 samskars are...
1. Naam Dharan (Tattooing Gods name on body)
2. Tulsi Dharan (Tulsi beeds in neck)
3. Urdhapundra (Tilak)
4. DASHANT NAAM (Name ends with Das/servant)
5. Upnayan/Janau (Sacred thread) (Women’s are not given Upnayan but they get the same Gayatri Diksha but not the sacred thread to be worn)
 (We would discuss these 5 Samskars in our next post in detail)

--Now the Answer is Dashant nam. A child was given a Dashant nam at the age of 5 if a Brahman Kid & even others can take it at the age of  5 or later, even for girls. After the name was given & if the girl turns to a wife she is been called by not even his husbands last name but Dashant Nam.
--Dashan nam means a name ending with das, Das means servant.
Whose Servant?
Servant of GOD.

Eg. Shyam Sunder Das (shyam is colour shyam, sunder means beautifull, das means servant of shyamsunder, shyamsunder is Bhagwan Sri Krishna’s name ), Radhika Devi Dasi (Radhika/Radharani servant), Tulsi Devi Dasi, Gopal Krishna Das, Gopeshwar das (gopeshwar is Bhagwan Shiva in a Gopi swaroopa) & so on.
Das is not the identity of our material body but the identity of our soul which links with the GOD directly. So Dashant nam doesn’t just gives importance to the last material name of a woman or a man but its an Identity of his/her soul with the Supreme Almighty.
Our material name dies after we leave our material body but the spiritual names never dies even after we leave our material body.

People got problems to be called as SERVANTS?
--Government says we are your servants.
Teachers says we are here to help you.
Business man says to another business man I am here to serve you.
Someone is serving their pets, dogs, cats etc
The richest are serving the most Richest. If a richest claims I am serving nobody he is a big lie, Why, ?
Because they are serving their own Material senses & so they are anyways the servant towards their senses.

So the nature of our soul is to serve, let it be anybody but if with our own will & by Gurus grace we say we are serving GOD by being called as Das/Dasi, shouldn't we feel happy about it?


We found people criticizing Sanatan Organizations, any such Organization which is based on our Hindu/sanatan teachings. ISKCON in on a hit list it seems, whY?

Many claims they are looting the members/devotees & taking all their money overseas, misquoting text, criticizing demi-god worship etc.

There are more than 400 centres WORLDWIDE of ISKCON
More than 70 Farm Communities
More than 50 Gurukul & 90 Pure Vegetarain Reasturant where we get Prashadam Meal/Food offered to God before having it.
FOOD FOR LIFE ORGANIZATION, they distribute free food to the poors everyday & helps victims from any natural calamaties.
Presently its on a boom in Sovite Union with millions of Sanatan Followers World wide.

How are These centres/ISKCON looting us?
--FOOL's are those who claims they are looting us indeed what belongs to us would be with us, there are 400 temples world wide but the MAIN CENTRE IS AT MAYAPUR/West Bengal, so even if they are looting us all the money goes to the Main centre at Mayapur.

--Spritual name Ambrish Das (Material name - Alfred Ford the Properitor of Ford company) is the member of this Temple & donating funds to come up with the WORLDS BIGGEST VEDIC PLANETARIUM AT MAYAPUR, this would shock the history of Mordern Science, this would prove Mordern Science wrong & THE PROJECT WOULD BE COMPLETED ASAP. Millions of Dollars are been spend on this project by Alfred ford.

--George Harrison, Vocalist, musician from The Beatles Band doanted his best Mansion for our VEDIC TEMPLE in UK & this is one of the most beautifull temple presently.

Fool's claims we are been looted however those money are been MULTPLIED & coming to us, for our Temple Via the people from the same country & money for temple is not a waste let it be in any country because once Raja Bharata the son of God Rishbdev use to rule the entire planet, Maharaj Udhistarta use to rule the entire planet, Sri Ram Rulled the entire planet & so whats been going to someother country is either going for our temple or is coming back via such Big Business man in our own country.

So are they really looting us or helping us spread Sanatan Dharma world wide? What seems big & Valuable? Maya/money or Spritual/sanatan dharma?



Bhagwan Shiva replaced an elephant’s head on his son’s body and by Ashwini Kumars who successfully replanted the severed head of Yagna. Even Daksha Prajapati at the time of creation which is around 157 trillion years back Bhagwan Shiva added the head of a horse, Even Hayagriva with a horse head. Thus the history of plastic surgery in Bharata dates at the time of creation itself.

Once a British General after a war was passing from a Village comes in contact with a Bhartiya Vaidya/Doctor, Vaidya inquires about this Generals Chopped nose. Replies - One Sikh King has chopped his nose, Vaidya said I can fix it, which sounded funny to this General, Nose was been fixed without any scars left. Impressed General invites Docs from his land & makes them learns this surgery & later destroys all those Bhartiya Vaidya who knew about this knowledge & later termed  it Plastic Surgery on their soil.


"The surgery of the ancient Indian physicians was bold and skilful. A special branch of surgery was devoted to rhinoplasty or operations for improving deformed ears, noses and forming new ones, which European surgeons have now borrowed".

Sir W.Hunter (British Surgeon, 1718-1783)

Shushruta, known as the father of surgery, practised his skill as early as 600 BCE. He used cheek skin to perform plastic surgery to restore or reshape the nose, ears and lips with incredible results. Modern plastic surgery acknowledges his contributions by calling this method of rhinoplasty as the Bhartiya method.

Around 125 Types Of Surgical Instruments

"The Sanatan Dharma/hindus (Indians) were so advanced in surgery that their instruments could cut a hair longitudinally".

MRS Plunket

Shushruta worked with 125 kinds of surgical instruments, which included scalpels, lancets, needles, catheters, rectal speculums, mostly conceived from jaws of animals and birds to obtain the necessary grips. He also defined various methods of stitching: the use of horse’s hair, fine thread, fibres of bark, goat’s guts and ant’s heads.

300 Different Operations

Shushruta describes the details of more than 300 operations and 42 surgical processes. In his compendium Shushruta Samhita he minutely classifies surgery into 8 types:

Aharyam = extracting solid bodies

Bhedyam = excision

Chhedyam = incision

Aeshyam = probing

Lekhyam = scarification

Vedhyam = puncturing

Visraavyam = evacuating fluids

Sivyam = suturing

The ancient Indians were also the first to perform amputation, caesarean surgery and cranial surgery. For rhinoplasty, Shushruta first measured the damaged nose, skilfully sliced off skin from the cheek and sutured the nose. He then placed medicated cotton pads to heal the operation.

~If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point out to India".

Max Muller (German Scholar, 1823-1900)

"There can no longer be any real doubt that both Islam and Christianity owe the foundations of both their mystical and their scientific achievements to Indian initiatives".

- Philip Rawson (British Orientalist)


Atheist normally debate with us saying, you should be proud with our Modern Science who is The only GOD due to which you are using your computer/technology to chat with us etc.
Sounds funny – Numbers were invented in Vedic days & Computers works on Binary Codes, if there was no 0 “Shunya” & 1 “eka”, any technology, Mobile phones, computer, gadget etc would have never been invented, the way Sanatan Dharma is the root for every religion on this planet, every root related to any kind of material creation within this Universe are from the Vedas.
Even if someone doesn’t believe in what our Vedas say, here are few historical proof.
Zero –The Most Powerful Tool -India invented the Zero, without which counting would have been impossible . The earliest recorded date, an inscription of Zero on Sankheda Copper Plate was found in Gujarat, India (585-586 CE). In Brahma-Phuta-Siddhanta of Brahmagupta (7th century CE), the Zero is lucidly explained and was rendered into Arabic books around 770 CE. From these it was carried to Europe in the 8th century. However, the concept of Zero is referred to as Shunya in the early Sanskrit texts of the 4th century BCE and clearly explained in Pingala’s Sutra of the 2nd century. & according to The Veda it can date back upto more 3.50 lakhs years within this Chaturyuga else it is APUSHREAYA (No age)

. Albert Einstein, American scientist: "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."
Time, calculation, measurement etc according to Shrimad Bhagwatam & other Vedic Scriptures
SB Chanto 3 Chapter 11
Text 5
Two infinitesimal particles constitute an atom [an anu] and three atoms make a trasarenu of which one is reminded by a beam of sunlight falling through a lattice window in which sees something [a dust-particle] going up in the sky.
Text 6
The time taken by the combination of three trasarenus is called a truthi [calculated as 1/16.875 of a second] of which one hundred are called a vedha. Three of them are called a single lava.
Text 7
The duration of three lavas equals one nimesha [± 0.53 second] and the time of three of them is called a kshana [± 1.6 seconds], five of those make a kâshthhâ [± 8 seconds] and a laghu consists of fifteen of them [± 2 minutes].

Half the chapter is based on Maths. (Other scriptures)
Value of Pie - 3.141592657932
Time Taken for Earth to Orbit Sun -365.258756484 days
1.the naming of the first nine digits (eka, dvi, tri, catur, pancha, sat, sapta, asta, nava);
2.a second group of nine numbers obtained by multiplying each of the nine digits in 1 by ten (dasa, vimsat, trimsat, catvarimsat, panchasat, sasti, saptati, astiti, navati): and
3.a group of numbers which are increasing integral powers of 10, starting with 102 (satam sagasara, ayut, niyuta, prayuta, arbuda, nyarbuda, samudra, Madhya, anta, parardha…).
ekam =1
dashakam =10
shatam =100 (10 to the power of 10)
sahasram =1000 (10 power of 3) thousand
dashasahasram =10000 (10 power of 4) Ten thousand
lakshaha =100000 (10 power of 5) lakh
dashalakshaha =1000000 (10 power of 6)million
kotihi =10000000 (10 power of 7) crore
ayutam =1000000000 (10 power of 9)
niyutam = 100000000000 (10 power of 11)
kankaram =10000000000000 (10 power of 13)
vivaram =100000000000000 (10 power of 15)
paraardhaha = 100000000000000000 (10 power of 17)
nivahaaha = (10 power of 19)
utsangaha = (10 power of 21)
bahulam = (10 power of 23)
naagbaalaha = (10 power of 25)
titilambam = 1000000000000000000000000000  (10 power of 27)


tallaakshanam = (10 power of 53)

(In Anuyogdwaar Sutra written in 100 BCE one  numeral is raised as high as 10 to the power of 140).
 And so on Never ending calculations mentioned in our Scriptures

The Law of Gravity - 1200 Years Before Newton

Measurement of Time - In Surya Siddhanta, Bhaskaracharya calculates the time taken for the earth to orbit the sun to 9 decimal places.  Bhaskaracharya = 365.258756484 days.

Modern accepted measurement = 365.2596 days.

Between Bhaskaracharya’s ancient measurement 1500 years ago and the modern measurement the difference is only 0.00085 days, only 0.0002%.

34000 TH of a Second to 4.32 Billion Years

India has given the idea of the smallest and the largest measure of time.

Krati Krati = 34,000th of a second

1 Truti = 300th of a second
2 Truti = 1 Luv
2 Luv = 1 Kshana
30 Kshana = 1 Vipal
60 Vipal = 1 Pal
60 Pal = 1 Ghadi (24 minutes)
2.5 Gadhi = 1 Hora (1 hour)
24 Hora = 1 Divas (1 day)
7 Divas = 1 saptaah (1 week)
4 Saptaah = 1 Maas (1 month)
2 Maas = 1 Rutu (1 season)
6 Rutu = 1 Varsh (1 year)
100 Varsh = 1 Shataabda (1 century)
10 Shataabda = 1 sahasraabda
432 Sahasraabda = 1 Yug (Kaliyug)
2 Yug = 1 Dwaaparyug
3 Yug = 1 Tretaayug
4 Yug = 1 Krutayug or Satyuga
10 Yug = 1 Mahaayug (4,320,000 years)
1000 Mahaayug = 1 Kalpa
1 Kalpa = 4.32 billion years
2 Kalpa is 24 hours or 1 day of Sri Brahmaji

(Taken from an authentic source & from Scriptures like Manu Smriti & Shrimad Bhagwatam)

Mark Twain, American author: "India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only."


War craft – Scientist at the time of Bhagwan Sri Ram.(Tretayuga 9,00,000 years back approx)
Sri Vivashmitraji - inventor of weapons’
Sri Agastyaji - inventor of modern weapons’ (missiles etc in arrow form)
(Dwaparyuga – 5150 years back) Sri Dronacharya – knew many arts of War (Chakra view which was copied by the Chinese warriors & later named it the TOTO/turtle formation) – Reference Asian/Chinese movie  REDCLIFF.
In Shrimad Bhagwatam Ch1 we read about Ashwadhma made use of 6 Brahmastra at one time out of which 5 arrows were been taken care by Sri Krishna & one Brahmastra was thrown by Arjuna which banged with Ashwadhama’s brahmastra & there was a BIG BANG, this vibration even made the Satyaloka (Sri Brahmajis planet/the pink galaxy that we see in our cosmology) satyaloka tremble with fear. (Brahmastra was Million time more powerful than nuclear weapons) & these weapons were purely generated by VEDIC HYMES.
The  only reason GERMAN IS GOOD WITH WARCRAFT/Technology is because HITLER did seek help from The Upanishads, Sanskrit is well known By germans
Quotes by The Germans - The German magazine of Germany says: n the ancient Vedic literature of India dating back nearly 6000 years ago are numerous descriptions and stories of flying machines called Vimanas. Written out in great detail are descriptions of how these machines flew, what type of metal was used to construct them, what the pilots had to wear, what types of weapons these flying craft possessed, unusual descriptions of piloting by way of brain waves, remotely by mere thought all told in such a matter-of-factly detail that some researchers have called these “Flight manuals of the Vimanas“. German scientist read and studied this literature and took in great consideration as to be not just a metaphor or mere stories of fiction, but in actuality based on real lost technology that they could use for their purposes.
"Susruta, is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago, he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like caesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery. Usage of anaesthesia was well-known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipments were used. Deep knowledge of anatomy, philosophy, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts." I may add that Sanskrit was the medium of instruction in medicine in ancient times.
- The German magazine says that the world's first university was established in Takshasila (Taxila) in 700 BC, and more than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievement of ancient India in the field of education. I may add that Sanskrit was the medium of instruction in both these universities.
Few famous quotes of Our Matrabhumi
"India was China's teacher in religion and imaginative literature, and the world's teacher in trignometry, quandratic equations, grammar, phonetics, arabian nights, animal fables, chess, as well as in philosophy, and that she inspired Boccaccio, Goethe, Herder, Schopenhauer, Emerson, and probably also old Aesop."
(Robert Oppenheimer (PHYSICIST):
"The general notions about human understanding… which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar, wholly unheard of or new. In Hindu thought they have a more considerable and 'central' place. What we shall find in modern physics is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of old Hindu wisdom."
Werner Heisenberg (FATHER OF QUANTUM PHYSICS, Nobel Prize winner): "After the conversations about Indian Philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense."
Erwin Schrödinger (PHYSICIST), Brian David Josephson (PHYSICIST, Nobel Laureate) etc talks about the same topic)
Wheeler Wilcox: "India - The land of Vedas, the remarkable works contain not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science has proved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all were known to the seers who founded the Vedas."




In Vedic days there were 9 or more ways to get a child.
1) Testube babies - ("Pleased by the sacrifice and the praises, Mitra deva( Sun ) and Varuna deva(Air) effused into the Vasativara vessel the "Fluid of Birth" from which arose Agasthya and Vasishtha".
The 100 kauravas at the time of Mahabharata 5100 years back were all test tube babies, Virja/sperm was preserved in 100 pots which gave birth to Durdhoyana & his 99 brothers.)
2) Physical  (Male/female mates)
3) Adoption - Karna was adopted,  Kunti:  princess,  adopted daughter of King Kuntibhoj.
* (These 3 are common even today)
4) Havanas - Draupadi (Queen of Akhanda Bharata) & draupad who appeared from the fire after few vedic hyms.
5) Boons - Pandavas, Karna appeared by a boon given to mata Kunti.
6) Fluid preserved or transferred by diffrent modes/ways, eg. Hanumanji  took birth from a Virja of Lord Shiva, Transferred by Pawan dev to mata Anjanis womb. (Hanumanji is also called pawan putra, Shivas incarnation & Kesari nandan)
Such incident also happened with lord Brahma whose Virja was transferred by Agni dev who gave birth to 80 Martu Gans) Many such incidents are mentioned in Vedic Scriptures.
7) By Churning of King Veenas leg Bahuka took birth who formed the Nishad Dynasty (Eklavyas dynasty) & Lord Prithu (Ansha avatar of Krishna who got food on this planet) he came from Kings Veenas Thigh atlast. Earlier at the time of creation from Lord Vishnus navel Brahma took birth, from Brahmas Agya chakra Lord Shiva took birth, from Brahmas nose Lord Varaha took birth. etc
8) By Austerities -  49 Divine sons of Deiti mata were  born by austerities performed for just 1 year.
9) Transferring from one womb to another like Bhagwan Sri Balrama.

(If one got faith in Lord Vishnu they can perform these austerity & child can be born even in Kaliyuga by doing these austerities like Pumsam Vrat, Proyo Vrat, etc - Details can be found in Scriptures like Bhagwatam, Vishnu, Garud Puran etc)

Microscope - Mahabhrata
Order of origin of space, gases, heat, water & earth - (Rigveda)
Layers of Atmosphers according to specific gravity - (Valmiki Ramayan)
Aeroplanes - (rigvedas, ramayan, Samarangan Sutradhara)
ROBOT - (Samarangan Sootradhara)
Atom Bomb - (Mahabharata- Brahmastra)
Sound energy used to powder materials - (Mahabharata-Vajrastra)
Mercury as energy source for aeroplanes North pole - (Valmiki Ramayan)
Antartica premodrial matter from which the Universe Emanated - (Valmiki ramayan/Rigveda)
Formation of premordial matter - (Rigveda)
Natural cycel of water - (Rigveda/Valmiki Ramayan)
Electroplating - (Agasti)
Water Analysis by electricity (H2+0) - Agasti (Prana +Udana)
Vega becoming polar star - (Mahabharata- Vanaparva)
7 Colours in sunrays - Rigveda - (8-72-16)
Life on earth - (Mahabharata/purans)
Breathing of a Star - (Rigvedas/Nasadeeva)
Mars in Aldebaren (Valmiki Ramayan)

“How could Hindus (Aryas) have possibly known all this 6,000 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment which did not exist at that time? Such concepts were found only recently. “ -Dr. Kevin Hurley of the University of California at Berkeley

"As we shall see, there was a language spoken among an ancient scientific community that has a deviation of zero. This language is Sanskrit."
--Rick Briggs(NASA)

Wheeler Wilcox: "India - The land of Vedas, the remarkable works contain not only religious ideas for a perfect life, but also facts which science has proved true. Electricity, radium, electronics, airship, all were known to the seers who founded the Vedas."

“Finally we came to conclusion that Universe is shaped like a egg but this information was already present in Hindu Literature.” (Alan Kogut, NASA)

We should Stop using the word Myth


We found few viewers criticizing our Hindu Scriptures & the Authentication of our Vedic Scriptures, they name it as a MYTH which is a term gifted by Racist British people to demotivate our Vedic Teachings. The reason people doubt our Scriptures is only because of our Modern Scientifically developed age else just few years back what ever mentioned in the Scriptures were been accepted without a doubt, Guru said & Listeners use to respect & accept it without doubts.

Scriptures were Smriti/words within our cosmos which were later been compiled to Shruti/scriptures compiled/written by Sri Vedvyasji. Words are already present in the Cosmo & by tuning our Radios we can hear sound when the frequency meets & same way Words of Supreme are already present within our Cosmo & so our Yogic sadhus use to meditate on Himalayas & tune their AGYA CHAKRA to a Frequency to hear the words present within the Cosmo. THE WAY RADIO CATCHES SIGNAL & SO DOES YOGIC VEDVYASJI TUNED HIS FREQUENCIES & compiled Scriptures only so that we BUSY PEOPLE NEED NOT SIT ON THE HIMALAYAS TO MEDITATE & DECODE THE WORDS OF GOD PRESENT IN OUS COSMO. He simplified the process for us & we simply doubt & criticize our Ansestors efforts.
PLACE - The place were these scriptures were compiled is still present at Badrinath/Mana/Near Bhima pool/Tibet border & carbon dating which is 5000 + years old.
FUTURE PREDECTION - Everything which was been mentioned 5000 years back about future prediction which is about God Buddha, Jainism (In Shrimad Bhagwatam) About Islam in (Bhavishaya Puran), about Chandragupta Maurya, Samudragupta, Chanakya (Shrimad Bhagwatam) Christinity (Manu script, Nepal/Ladak) are been proved RIGHT ALREADY, do we still need to doubt about our Scriptures, Yes/no? If yes....
SCIENCE IN SCRIPTURES - Shrimad Bhagwtam - Chanto 3 Chapter 31: Lord Kapila's Instructions on the Wanderings of the Living Entities.
The childs birth with COMEPLETE DETAIL within a Mothers womb. Which our modern science found out just few years back & still its an incomplete process because Bhagwatam also mentions how does Soul enters the mothers womb & where does it come from.

COSMOLOGY – The creation & destruction of our Universe which is exactly what our Modern Science found out just few years back.

"The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long. Longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang. And there are much longer time scales still."

"Twenty-four centuries before Isaac Newton, the Hindu Rig-Veda asserted that gravitation held the universe together. The Sanskrit speaking Aryans subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth in an era when the Greeks believed in a flat one. The Indians of the fifth century A.D. calculated the age of the earth as 4.3 billion years; scientists in 19th century England were convinced it was 100 million years." (source: Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science - By Dick Teresi p. 7 - 8).