Monday 3 October 2011

‎28 elements are field of activities for soul

‎28 elements are field of activities for soul

The inferior energy is matter manifested in different elements, namely:
1)Five gross elements (panca-maha-bhuta) :- earth - water - fire - air - ether

2) Three subtle elements :- mind (manas) - intelligence (buddhih) - false ego(ahankara)

Both forms of material nature, namely gross (earth, etc.) and subtle (mind, etc.), are products of the inferior energy.

3)(dasendriya) – Five working senses and Five knowledge acquiring senses

(a)Five working senses(panca-karmendriya) :- voice - hands - legs - anus - genital

(b)Five knowledge acquiring senses (panca-jnanendriya) :- ears - touch - eyes - tongue -nostrils

4) Five sense objects (panca-tanmatra) :- form (rupa), taste (rasa), Smell (Gandha), Sound – Sabdha, touch -Sparsa.

Subtle means we cannot see it directly, but we can perceive it eg.air
- Contaminated consciousness :- Time (Kala), Material Nature (Prakriti),The Living Entity (Jiva), Maha Tattva

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