Monday 3 October 2011

Learn Astrology in few minutes.

Predections from Garuda Purana.

Dwelling on length about the importance of physical traits and symptoms apparent in an individual, Lord Vishnu told Shiva-' If one sees the following physical traits in a man, he should immediately understand that he is seeing a prospective King : Hands and feet as soft as a Lotus flower, pink nails and no space left between the fingers when kept straight. There is no sign of bulging veins on his hands and palms and they do not sweat excessively. On the contrary, a person having rough feet that appears pale, with prominent veins on them indicates that the concerned person would be poor and miserable. A man who will be king is known also by round thighs and very little body hair. Each pore on his body will have ony one hair in it. A man who will be poor is known by rough nails on his toes. Veins will be seen on his face. The toes will be dry and he will flat-footed. He will also have three hairs in each of his pores. A person with two hairs in each of his pores in each of his pores becomes a learned man. Person with spindly thighs always suffer from ill health. '
Lord Vishnu said-' Anybody having three parallel lines on his forehead lives happily for sixty years whereas two parallel lines indicates that he would live till the age of forty years. Only one line on the forehead indicates that he would have a short life but if the line stretches up to both the ears then he lives for a century. If two parallel lines on the forehead stretches up to both the years then the concerned person lives for seventy years while a triple parallel lines reaching both the years indicates that he would live till the age of sixty years. A forehead devoid of any line on it means that the concerned person would live for only forty years while a cobweb of intersecting lines on the forehead indicates that the concerned person is definite to die a premature death. A forehead with a Trident or an Axe mark on it indicates that the concerned person would be prosperous and live for a century.

A man with a long nose is fortunate. A man with a bent nose is a thief and a man with a nose bent to the right is cruel. A man who has sneezes one at a time is strong. You will know a man who is always content by the fact that he has many sneezes at a time. A persoN who speaks in a nasal tone lives to an old age. Eyes like a cat’s eyes indicate a sinner. Cross-eyed men are cruel. A man with symmetric eyebrows is poor. If a man cries but the tears cannot be seen, that man is sure to be unfortunate.
Lord Vishnu, continuing with his narration told Shiva that the age of a person could be predicted by the lines found on his palms- ' If the life line reaches the base between index and middle fingers then the concerned person lives for a century. If the life line is long, clear and without intersections from other lines then the concerned person lives for a hundred years.
Lord Vishnu said-'A woman having a round face, curly hair and lower portion of her navel slightly slanted towards right, is extremely fortunate not only for herself but also for her whole clan. Similarly, a woman with golden complexion and hands as beautiful and soft as red lotus flower is exceptionally chaste and faithful towards her husband. A woman having dry and unruly hair and also round eyes becomes a widow. Look at the life line on a woman’s palm. If the line is thick, she will have many sons. But if the life is thin, she will have many daughters. Those whose life lines are split into many parts do not live for a long. But those who life lines are long and unbroken live to a ripe old age.
A woman whose face is round like a full moon and which radiates like a rising Sun and whose lips are juicy like a 'Bael' fruit (Wood apple), enjoys a happy and contented life. A woman having a cobweb of lines on her palms is sure to lead a torturous and painful life whereas a palm with few lines indicates that she would be poor. If the lines are pink, then they indicate happiness, prosperity and good health whereas blackish lines indicate that she would live a life of slavery. Any woman having either a 'Chakra', a hook or a ear ring mark on her hand indicates that she would beget worthy sons and rule like a queen. A woman having hair around her breasts as well as a protruding lower lip spells doom for her husband. Any woman having a festoon mark on her palms indicates that she would get married in a family superior to her in status.
A woman having a round navel with brown hair around it leads a life of slavery despite being born in a royal family. A woman whose little toes as well as big toes of both the legs do not touch the ground while walking spells doom for her husband. In the same manner beautiful eyes indicate good fortune while soft and tender skin indicate a happy married life.

‎28 elements are field of activities for soul

‎28 elements are field of activities for soul

The inferior energy is matter manifested in different elements, namely:
1)Five gross elements (panca-maha-bhuta) :- earth - water - fire - air - ether

2) Three subtle elements :- mind (manas) - intelligence (buddhih) - false ego(ahankara)

Both forms of material nature, namely gross (earth, etc.) and subtle (mind, etc.), are products of the inferior energy.

3)(dasendriya) – Five working senses and Five knowledge acquiring senses

(a)Five working senses(panca-karmendriya) :- voice - hands - legs - anus - genital

(b)Five knowledge acquiring senses (panca-jnanendriya) :- ears - touch - eyes - tongue -nostrils

4) Five sense objects (panca-tanmatra) :- form (rupa), taste (rasa), Smell (Gandha), Sound – Sabdha, touch -Sparsa.

Subtle means we cannot see it directly, but we can perceive it eg.air
- Contaminated consciousness :- Time (Kala), Material Nature (Prakriti),The Living Entity (Jiva), Maha Tattva

5 Elements

Our body is made of 5 + 3 + 1 element.
Sky - sound
Air - sound, touch
Fire - sound, touch, form
Water - sound, touch, form, taste
Earth - sound, touch, form, taste, smell (SB)

The other 3 elemets are Ego, Mind & intellegence.

Now finner than Earth is water, finer than water is fire, finer than fire is air, finer than air is sky & finer than sky is Ego, mind is finner than ego & intelegence is finner than Mind. The finner the element the most powerfull they are.

Like mind is finner & it takes just second to reach from 1 planet to another, but we cant see mind nor intellegence just can feel its power. But the last element is The SOUL the FINEST & the most powerfull, imagine the power of soul. Which comes from the ocean of Super soul The supreme.

How do we see those elements present in our body?

Earth - Suprarenal glands (which produce adrenalin and influence the temperature balance of the body)

Water - Glands: Prostate, gonads, ovaries, testicles

Fire - Glands: Pancreas, which plays an important role in the digestion
of food and the secretion of insulin

Air - Gland : Thymus, which regulates and controls the lymphatic system

Ether - Gland: Thyroid, which regulates the transformation of food into
energy via our metabolism. It also controls the iodine metabolism and the balance of calcium in our blood and tissue.

Child birth in 8 or more diffrent ways in our Vedic days.

1) Testube babies - ("Pleased by the sacrifice and the praises, Mitra deva( Sun ) and Varuna deva(Air) effused into the Vasativara vessel the "Fluid of Birth" from which arose Agasthya and Vasishtha".

The 100 kauravas at the time of Mahabharata 5100 years back were all test tube babies, Virja/sperm... was preserved in 100 pots which gave birth to Durdhoyana & his 99 brothers.)

2) Physical (Male/female mates)

3) Adoption
* (These 3 are common even today)

4) Havanas - Draupadi (Queen of Akhanda Bharata) & draupad who appeared from the fire after few vedic hyms.

5) Boons - Pandavas, Karna appeared by a boon given to mata Kunti.

6) Fluid preserved or transferred by diffrent modes/ways, eg. Hanumanji took birth from a Virja of Lord Shiva, Transferred by Pawan dev to mata Anjanis womb. (Hanumanji is also called pawan putra, Shivas incarnation & Kesari nandan)
Such incident also happened with lord Brahma whose Virja was transferred by Agni dev who gave birth to 80 Sages) Many such incidents are mentioned in Vedic Scriptures.

7) By Churning of King Veenas leg Bahuka took birth who formed the Nishad Dynasty (Eklavyas dynasty) & Lord Prithu (Ansha avatar of Krishna who got food on this planet) he came from Kings Veenas Thigh atlast. Earlier at the time of creation from Lord Vishnus navel Brahma took birth, from Brahmas Agya chakra Lord Shiva took birth, from Brahmas nose Lord Varaha took birth. etc

8) By Austerities - Lord Kapildeva, 49 Divine sons of Deiti mata were all born by austerities.
(If one got faith in Lord Vishnu they can perform these austerity & child can be born even in Kaliyuga by doing these austerities like Pumsam Vrat, Proyo Vrat, etc - Details can be found in Scriptures like Bhagwatam )

There might be many more, untill now we came across these 8 types. Please do share if there were any other ways to get a child in the Vedic Era. :) Hare Krishna